GPregress - The Computer Model
GPregress : A Computer Model that determines “Sensitivity and Strength” of Commercial Explosives by keeping “Cost in view” Dr Manoj K Patel and Gayatri Patel In this present competitive market, explosives manufacturers are finding it increasingly difficult to establish “cost competitive strong formulations” for explosives for rock breaking. Ever-increasing costs of input materials, manpower, and types of machinery are forcing most of the manufacturers to go for cost-competitive formulations but at the same time, a formulation can become cost competitive only when cost-cutting is done in some areas or other in the internal business process. At the same time, it is also imperative to keep the quality unchanged, if not better. So, the trick is to know where to hammer the nail. For example, one has to improve the sensitivity of cap-sensitive explosives. The conventional practice is to make a few laboratory batches, test-fir those at different gel...