Entropy Reference to Chemicals Every hashtag # substance can be assigned a standard entropy S(o), based on the third law of thermodynamics, that is, a pure hashtag # crystalline hashtag # substance has hashtag # zeroentropy at zero on thermodynamic temperature scale (0 K). The difference in entropy between 0 K and a temperature Tcan be deduced from the defining equation for entropy: S(t) - S(o) = integration (between 0 and T) (dq(Rev) / T ). So matter (chemical) is stable at low temperature and unstable at high temperature. Now read "temperature" as "energy". Matter (chemical) thus try to come back from high entropy (randomness / energy) to stable or near-stable state (chemical / energy). Consider the examples of entropy for Nitrogen and its compounds: Nitrogen (gas) = 36.63 (least entropy and hence most stable form) N2 (gas) = 45.77 N2H4 (l) = 33 NO (g) = 50.347 NO2 = 57.35 N2O = 52.52 N2O3 = 63.72 And these compo...