The molecular formula, the chemical structure, and the nature of heroin are as complicated as human nature, and structure; but it is now found that the heroin is overpowering heroines (and heroes too, maybe) in reel as well as in real lives by influencing their brains, and neurons. The overpowering of heroin is reshaping minds and matters of individuals as well as society in the vicinity, near and far. The shape of things in the Bollywood (Mumbai Cine town) at present; and as it is evolving; taking hitherto assumed to be role models for millions is getting revealed menacingly. Thanks to the news on television channels, we are coming to know about the unpalatable facts coming out from the individuals associated with the so-called silver screens. When heroin, oxycodone, or any other opiate travels through the bloodstream to the brain, the chemicals attach to specialized proteins, called mu-opioid receptors, on the surfaces of opiate-sensitive neurons (brain cells). The linkage of these c...