Reminiscence 2020: a productive year it was ... ... .. .
Reminiscence 2020 “Events, like covid19 pandemic and worldwide lockdowns may be horrible or inescapable. Men have always a choice - if not whether, then how, they may endure.” If a wall is built around you then do not get confined within it. Ride and walk on that wall. Life is full of opportunities. Opportune moments are dynamic. Chase and grab those. THE YEAR 2020 WAS UNIQUE ON ITS OWN. IT WAS HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE FOR ME. WN A LOT DURING THE LOCKDOWN PERIOD. 14 OF MY MANUSCRIPTS GOT PUBLISHED AS BOOKS. [1] VIGNETTES (Published in October 2019) The entire universe is a book to read and understand. Nature, environment, human, human behaviors, hunger, thirst, power, lust, love, competition, birds, animals, stars all of these convey mute as well as verbal messages with consistency and inconsistencies to its system and surroundings. Observant, if one is, can capture these and convert these to meaningful words. The wordsin turn can help in making a good ...