S ME incident in Singareni on 2 nd June 2020 : Dr. Manoj Kumar Patel : It is often believed by manufacturers and users that SME (Site Mixed Emulsion) can remotely go wrong. But one has to always keep it in mind that SME, SMS, ANFO, and HANFO are bulk in nature. So when something goes wrong the consequences are disastrous. Explosions in SME in the July, 2009 in Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh is painfully remembered as a black day in the history of SME manufacturing and use. In the parlance of explosives manufacturing we tell that the explosive demands utmost humility and respect during interactions with it during manufacture, storage, transport and use. A small slip her and a small inattention there spell disaster. “ In a gruesome incident, as many as four Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) workers were killed and two coal workers were injured on Tuesday, while undertaking blasting operations at the SCCL open cas...