Decision to Unlock: A Prudent Step by the Govt of India

Decision to Unlock: A Prudent Step by the Govt of India

: Dr. Manoj Kumar Patel :
Date: 31st May 2020

Prevention is better than cure – is effective when individuals follow it. In the case of the covid19 pandemic also it has been proved by the decision makers and governments.

Taking the case of India as an example it has been proved here in India that the spread of the virus was contained effectively in the country. The situations in India during the all phases of lock-down were better compared to most of the other countries across the world. Government machineries with the able leadership of the Modi government in the Center could drastically prevent the spread of the virus through enforcement of lock-down.

The number of infections in India increased only after some freedom was given to selective patches of the country by declaring those as orange and green zones.

By now all have realized the positive outcomes of the lock-down through determination of the governments in the center and in the states. The supports by most of the citizens of India towards lock-down, isolation and quarantine reinforced the preventive steps. We all have learnt good lessons by passing through this challenging time. A couple of points are clear from the above mentioned steps, and these are:

Ø  Social distancing can eliminate the disease becoming vicious.

Ø  Refraining oneself when in common cold and flu from social crowds and public places is an effective way to keep self as well as others safe.

Ø  First Come First Served (FCFS) is to be the rule of life in public places and all service centers like ticket counters, banks, ATMs, shopping malls, small grocery stores and even in eateries.

Ø  Maintaining physical distance as well as to be in queue must be respected, ensured and continued with integrity.

Ø  Unnecessary get-togethers are to be eliminated.

Ø  Public transport systems like railways and buses need to enforce systems akin to air travels. One seat one commuter has to be the rule for all travels. This is very important because we all Indians know that excess number of people travel in railway compartments and public transport system buses in India.  

Ø  Work from home is to be practiced where ever it is possible.

Ø  Automation is to be implemented in manufacturing and all types of businesses. This will eliminate deployment and also reduction on the issues related to the labours and migration of labours, respectively.

Atma Nirvarata or self sufficiency is to be accepted and adopted by each one of us. This will give encouragement to entrepreneurship and generate employment. Both imports of products and services as well as migration of labours from home states to distant places will come down.

The responsibilities of the teacher are to provide good education and training. During the last four months period the Modi government in the center has not only given education and awareness but also has provided (a) infrastructure in the form of hospitals and isolation centers, (b) relief materials in the form of food, (c) support to supply systems to keep the vegetable markets and grocery markets full, (d) PPEs and testing equipment through procurement and domestic manufactures, (e) adequate guidelines through social medias, television channels and electronic medias, and last but surely equally important (f) accessibility to all the chief ministers in the states both in formal and informal manners before taking any decisions on different issues during this pandemic. The participatory and all inclusive forms of management and administration that we till now had seen or read in management books have been proved through – walk the talk.

Students are required to graduate after the education period. They join the struggle process of earning a living, followed by the attempts to step up the steps and finally reach to the pinnacle of Maslow’s pyramid. These students join the band of groups in the society to make improvement to the economy.

This exactly, to my understanding, the government is now planning to do. The four phases of lock-downs were the training period to each and every citizens of India. This training period has taught the “dos and don’ts” to be practiced post lock-down. The training and schooling has ended. It is now the responsibilities of “we”, the citizens of India to abide by the directives given by the governments. We all need to practice the learning in our daily lives. Passing out from the defense academy is completion of training period but the day the cadet steps out from the academy it is the same day he faces the real adversaries in the real world. Similarly the unlocking of the systems after the locking down period of four phases is only a confidence that we all have learnt to live with the virus around.

It is for all the citizens of India to prove that we all have learnt the teachings, examples, living styles, working styles, travel disciplines, social get together disciplines and many more. The reduction and elimination of the spread of the covid19 virus from the face of India now rests on all of us. Our mindsets and attitudes will tell in the very near future that about the extent we are capable of learning and implementation of the learnings.

Let all of us show good citizenship and mental maturity.

Let the Indian economy move to the fast track and the higher growth trajectory.


  1. Yes, the decision of the Government of India is wise, timely and prudent. It will now put economy also in the growth path.

  2. Our BJP leaders prooved that they are most capable to handled most complex country & economy.

    1. True. Leaders from other areas also have done good acts.

  3. Well said sir,
    The period and process in which we are passing through, I think it is like a "washing machine". After this we will be more shinier, brighter and better than before.

    1. Sir,
      I would like to mention here that, commendable work and decisions are taking by our government.

  4. What you said is true sir, But I feel that the most of the our indians are acting (for others to believe that they are following the safety measures ) rather than follow the safety tips what we learned in the lockdown period.

  5. Expressed valuable information as a nationalist. Thanks for sharing.


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