Months after an explosive-laden Scorpio was found outside billionaire Mukhesh Ambani's Mumbai residence, the Thane Police on Monday seized an alarming cache of nearly 12,000 gelatin sticks from the Karivali area in Bhiwandi. Acting on a tip-off, a team of Thane Police's Crime Branch Unit, raided the premises of a firm dealing in building materials, seized 63 boxes containing 12,000 units of the explosive material and four boxes with 3,008 detonators. For context, the Scorpio found near Antilia, laded with explosives and a threatening letter, had only 20 gelatin sticks. 


The Thane Police has arrested one person, identified as Gurunath Mhatre, in connection with the matter. Mhatre, accused of possessing the life-threatening materials, was produced before the Bhiwandi Court. He has been remanded to police custody till May 22. As per the police's initial report, Mhatre did not hold any legal documents to justify his possession of the said gelatin sticks. Notably, the Thane Police has made another arrest in the case as it nabbed an individual who was allegedly supplying explosives to Gurunath Mhatre. He is set to be produced before the Bhiwandi court on Wednesday. 


"Despite knowing that it (Gelatine sticks) is injurious to human lives, Gurunath Kashinath Mhatre possessed gelatin sticks and electric detonators in huge quantities," the Thane Police statement read. "An FIR has been registered against the accused of having illegal possession of the substances without any license and the accused has been taken under police custody," it added.


The frequent availability and seizures (it has happened thrice within months) of explosives, detonators, and other high energy materials in India is strictly manufactured, transported, stored, and used by the license holders only is raising many questions about the (I) diligence in the implementation of the rules as per Explosives Rules, and (ii) the diligence by inspecting authorities in ensuring that the rules are effectively implemented by all dealing with explosives. Points of serious concern.


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