Civilization, err..... Humanoidization

Civilization, err..... Humanoidization

Dr. Manoj Kumar Patel

I received a message through social media. I quote the verbatim here in for each one to read. In the subsequent section, I have made my own comments.

       Neither the message nor my analyses are too great. But I am sure you will love both the parts of the article. Here it goes.


       Recently when our FM mentioned certain uncanny statistics like drop in car sales due to millennial not  buying cars any more, Logistics business made simple and easy reducing the truck business sizeably, NBFC companies shrinking due to change in lease models, etc., the industry and the media ridiculed her for lack of business and industry knowledge.

       Even Industry Captains went overboard to ridicule her utterances.

       But little did the media and of course industry too realized that it was high time that Indian businesses had a deep examination of their business models.

       A global survey and research by a German Firm which elaborately covered India has indicated twenty major risks to global financial markets arising due to impending global recession and particularly how it will impact India in the medium and long term.
The survey cum research bluntly puts across that unless Indian businesses change their tacks and business models, many will perish soon.

       Here are the twenty risks, please read on:


1. Most people will stop buying cars in a decade-and-a-half (a prediction that 95 percent of all US passenger miles travelled will be addressed by fleets, not individuals, by 2030).

2. People will increase the renting of assets (over buying these) because they will never be sure of where they would be living a few years hence.

3. The cost of commute will become the 'next telecom' (virtually free, that is).

4. Most cars will be made from recycled steel, as a result of which, ore companies will go belly-up.

5. The large steel sector debt will not be able to be returned to banks.

6. Electric cars, with around 18 moving parts compared with 10,000-12,000 for the usual petrol-driven variety, would accelerate the death of the automobile components industry.

7. The demise of the auto component industry will affect the global alloys steel sector (including ore and ferroalloys).

8. Oil behemoths will not be able to repay their loans if oil consumption declined (elimination unlikely).

9. Electric vehicles will come with an unlimited warranty. This means that after you once buy a vehicle, you would not need to buy another, ever.

10. Oil-based economies (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Nigeria etc) will go into a crisis.

11. Some of the funding coming out of these Oil Producing Countries (read what you will into this) will disappear and the world will become a more peaceful place.

12. Cash-rich automotive lubricant companies will discover there is nothing to really lubricate.

13. 3D printing will even out the wage arbitrage between developed and developing nations.

14. Robotisation (or artificial intelligence) will clean out jobs (as it has in the banking sector, where the business has grown disproportionately faster than recruitment).

15. A number of skills will become obsolete (microsurgical, for instance) because a robot will do it better.

16. Renewable energy will kick-start a long-term coal decline.

17. Large coal behemoths employing thousands will file for bankruptcy (already happening).

18. Banks will become a concept rather than a place; banks will become more about systems than people.

19. The world will move towards deflation arising out of an abundance of money and relatively limited spending.

20. The new retirement age will become 50 years (average).


       These are all because of need and convenience. The human being basically is a lazy creature. It wants everything on the basis of wish, and it does not want to do work. That is why today Ola and Uber, of course for betterment, are doing good business. I myself do not drive in Hyderabad, courtesy traffic congestion, wild driving by bikers, and parking problems.

       Additionally, there are more to be added to the above said 20 points. Say, the "Live in" culture and "gay culture" and legalization of both.

       You know why all these things are happening.

       It is because the entire populace; irrespective of their caste, creed, region, religion states, and nations have entered into and have well embraced the "use and throw" culture. I am not advocating whether it is good or it is bad, but surely it is different from what the previous generation had believed and we are the last few of that conservative culture.  No one wants to take responsibilities and accountabilities. The present generation has found it responsibility-free as well as the easiest way to purchase the product or the service and forget about it. The world civilization (?) is already into in-toto consumerism and capitalism.

       And last but most importantly, where are humans nowadays? Human as a species is already extinct. The dipod animal with head vertical to earth's surface is a species of "human+android" or better known as "humanoid". So, no more human civilization my friends, it is now going to be "machinization" through a quickly passing phase of "humanoidization".

       TAKE IT EASY. When all are breaking rules I thought of coining a couple of new words not found in the English dictionary till now. Ha ha.


  1. True. Humans on decline and humanoids on rise.

  2. Sir,
    I agre with you, I think after few decades machines will do research on our skeleton, which they will found from soil during digging.

    Exactly like we are doing research on skeleton of dinosaurs in present age.

    That time we will be famous for our Brain and Deceit Nature. They will say humans were the creatures who were very clever and deceit in nature. 🙏🙏

  3. Yes. We are becoming humanoids. There hardly feelings, emotions and empathy left on humans.


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