स्वधर्म : Let us mind our own business

Let us mind our own business

Dr. Manoj Kumar Patel

Two of the wars, the first one being the Mahabharata fought between Kauravas and Pandavas about 5000 years ago and the other one is Gulf War of 1991 fought between the US and its alleys and the gulf countries about 30 years ago are well discussed and remembered for one common reason. There were no non-aligned or neutral parties (nations) when these two wars were fought. Every nation (including its citizens) was either with one party or against with that party, i.e. you are either with us or you are against us was the reality. Great wars probably are fought with such animosity and aggression. Wars are over issues rather than over particular persons.
But what we are observing today in India over CAA and CAB is difficult to comprehend. It is appearing that an all out open war is being fought between many opinionites without a clear understanding about the facts and figures. It is total chaos.

We have a proper democratic system prevailing in the country since 1947. All said and done, debates used to take place in the Parliament. Civics science and political science taught to us in school and colleges have imbibed in us that bills are put up, debated, passed or otherwise in both the houses and then the passed bills are implemented because it has gone through the rigorous and disciplined process of the system.

But for last couple of weeks, we as common citizens are totally confused on the rhetoric of different individuals as well as leaders small and big. The chaotic situations are getting manifested in the form of:
1.      Students in educational institutes are taking sides on decisions of elected government at the center.

2.      Anyone and everyone, who ever wishes, is passing comments with or without proper knowledge on the bills passed in the Parliament.

3.      State governments are challenging the Central government.
4.      Cine actors are taking part and passing opinions on duly approved bills in the Parliament.

5.      Different groups are damaging and burning national properties like buses, trains, public properties without any remorse.

Students in some of the big universities are found spending their precious time on unacceptable acts but not on their studies.

Cine actors are found visiting places where chaos is already prevailing. These so called celebrities do not understand that they are liked by masses because of their acting skills in silver screens not on places of real actions. We are seeing the real life behaviors of many actors in the TV serial “Big Boss” and we all are coming to know that actors irrespective of their looks and appearances are not as decent as they appear to be. Many of them verbally abuse each other (reference Big Boss seasons till the present 13th episode).

Each one is appearing to be going away from the time tested path and action of – minding one’s own business or very स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः, परधर्म भयाबह |

These are a few of the points we all need to ponder over in the larger interest of our Nation.


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