This blog post is in reference to a news article published in one of the newspapers, namely - Gelatin sticks: where they are used, how the explosives are procured.

On the 30th of March 2021, a news article has appeared in the Indian Express. (https://indianexpress-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/indianexpress.com/article/explained/what-are-gelatin-sticks-7251051/lite/). The news pertained to the seizure of 20 numbers of gelatin explosives near the Antilia in Mumbai. It has been mentioned in the article that - gelatin sticks are cheap explosive materials used by industries for the purpose of mining and construction-related work, like building structures, roads, rails, and tunnels, etc. They can not be used without a detonator. 

In this context, the points to remember and understand are that- efficacies of poison, fire, and explosives are not to be equated with their costs. A small quantity of these can ravage and destroy the target. Just because the explosive sticks (without detonator) were found, it should not be construed that these sticks were powerless and harmless. When the port city of Beirut experienced the disastrous explosion it was due to ammonium nitrate which certainly is safer than explosives sticks. Complacency can aggravate situations too far.


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